gen. |
zbirka pravila; zbornik znakova; kod; tajno pismo; šifre |
cust. |
pravilnik |
IT |
šifra; programske instrukcije |
law |
kodeks; zakonik; zbornik zakona (lat. codex; caudex; corpus juris); legislativa; načelo; povelja; prava; pravo; princip; propis; ustav; zakon; zbirka zakona; zbirka propisa; zbornik |
nautic. |
signalni sistem |
polygr. |
kod (šifra) |
tech. |
kodiranje |
econ. |
zbornik |
gen. |
šifrovati; kodirati |
law |
šifrirati |
English thesaurus |
law |
law created by statutes; The law created by statutes. For example, the California Code of Civil Procedure, California Civil Code, California Vehicle Code, California Penal Code, and California Health and Safety Code |
med. |
code blue (поскольку code blue - это наиболее часто употребляемый код в больницах alia20) |
mil., abbr. |
cd |
abbr. |
Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment; COlor Depth Enhancement (ATI); Creation Out Of Deep Energy |
abbr., astr., scient. |
Creation Out of Deep Energy |
abbr., astronaut. |
Cooperative OLYMPUS Data Experiment |
abbr., auto. |
engine history code; collection on delivery |
abbr., ed. |
Community Organized Drug Education; Council of Ontario Directors of Education (Ying) |
abbr., el. |
client/server open development environment; computer-based optical diagnostic and evaluation system |
abbr., file.ext. |
Client-Server Open Development Environment |
abbr., law |
Community Oriented Drug Enforcement |
abbr., med. |
Courses Online Dental Ethics |
mil. |
controller decision evaluation; Committee on Donor Enlistment |
law, com.law |
⇒ City Code on Takeovers and Mergers |
| |
law, abbr. |
C. |
school |
Code of Civil Procedure |
abbr., chem. |
1-chloro-1,2-dibromoethane |
abbr., earth.sc. |
coastal ocean dynamic experiment |
abbr., oil |
crude oil data exchange |